You have heard the expression, "Don't wait for someone to bring you flowers, plant your own garden!" It's one of my favorites.

These are fresh picks from my yard, planted in the garden of grief. Not long after my husband passed, a lovely lady I barely knew said she'd been trying to think of how she could bless me. Well, as it turns out, she was quite the plant mom with a green thumb. She started visiting me with pots, plants, soil, plant food and gardening tools, It was good therapy, digging in the dirt, getting all sweaty and grimy. Then I was given instructions to water and wait...patiently. It took months of waiting. We lost a few in the scorching sun or due to me under/over watering. So, I was so excited to see the very first bloom!
What does it mean to plant your own garden? Yes, of course it is a wonderful gesture to give and receive flowers. But make your own life beautiful! You can not wait for someone else to do it. You are the landscaper of your own life. Plant your seeds in fertile ground, feed, water, nurture and wait. Most importantly, weed out anything that is trying to overtake new growth. This is your life. Make it what you want. Sow the seeds of your future in a positive environment, surrounded by people who believe and support your growth. Position yourself in just enough light to grow and just enough shade for rest. Feed your soul with hope, joy, life affirming thoughts and beliefs. Shower yourself with self love and respect. Nurture with good self care. Wait patiently and expectantly for your harvest. Make sure to pull out all weeds of self doubt, fear and negativity from the roots. Don't be surprised, weeds will always find a way to spring back up. Inclement weather, heat waves and bitter cold will come and kill off your garden. It's disappointing and sad. Start again. It takes practice to see what works and doesn't work. Sometimes you have to transplant in a different environment, maybe give more or less attention. You also might need to enlist the help of others. I have often had to have my friend take some of my plants to her plant hospital to recover.
It's time. Do not wait for someone to bring you flowers. Plant your own garden. There are many resources, books, tools and people to help make YOUR garden grow. Life is magnificent, fragrant, full of weeds and storms. Do not give up! Root yourself in lush and arable soil. In time you will see the colorful, vibrant, fruit of your labor and toil. You will find that after trial and error, your garden comes back more hearty, abundant and able to endure any downpour.
*Individual coaching and group sessions available.*