The "H" in the holidays.
The holidays are the most magical time of the year. Family gatherings, holiday parties, shopping, cooking, wrapping gifts, Hallmark movies...the hustling and bustling to the sounds of Christmas songs everywhere. The twinking lights and ah...the smell of fresh cut trees. It is all so intoxicating! We can get lost in it and then come the January blues...back to life..back to reality, getting on the scale and opening the those credit card bills.
I am just as wrapped up in it. I love the holidays! I have two young adult children and they know, "if you want to receive you have to believe!" come Christmas morning to see what Santa brought. I have so much fun decorating our home and celebrating this joyous time of year!
But, how about trying to stay current and conscious? What if we can enjoy all the holiday excitement but stop to pause and reflect on what is important? What if we can stop to acknowledge that many have a "hole" in their holidays? For many, this time of year grief and depression are gripping. People are missing from family gatherings, there is financial stress and loneliness is magnified. What if we stop to remember the holy in the holidays? Beyond the hype, there is a spiritual significance to these days...there is also an opportunity to serve others.
Stop. Pause and ask yourself....
What do I need right now?
Do I need to take some deep cleansing breaths?
Do I need to pray?
Do I need to take a walk?
Do I need a healthy, nourishing meal?
Do I need to drink water?
Do I need to call a trusted friend to talk?
Read? Watch a silly movie? Do something creative? OR
Do I need to do absolutely nothing?
Do I need to politely decline a holiday party?
What do I need to honor myself in this moment?
I encourage you to protect your peace and honor yourself. After all, if you do not practice good self care in body, mind and spirit, you can not truly be there for others.
Remember, your most valuable gift to give is your time and presence.