I was going through his things and found his watch. "His" meaning my late husband. Finding myself in another transition and once again having to sort through his things. Not an easy thing to do but after time, some very good memories remain. This watch was special. He was very excited about it. It was a watch he had been eyeing for quite awhile. He bought it in Australia on what would be our last travel adventure together. At the time the exchange rate was excellent, so he was thrilled to be able to buy the watch (he always loved a good deal.) It was an incredible trip. We went to Sydney, Melbourne and Hamilton Island. From walking all over Sydney for sightseeing and shopping to eating dinner with our dear friend in Melbourne to a nature adventure on Hamilton Island, it was a trip of a lifetime! I will never forget the meal with our friend on Chapel Street in Melbourne. The feel of the balmy air, the smells from the local eateries to the delicious coconut shrimp we ate. The shopping. Did I mention the shopping? (I think I still have a coat I bought there.) Our final stop was Hamilton Island. We stayed in a gorgeous hotel, right on the beach. We had afternoon tea daily. I got the most amazing massage in a lovely tent outside. We also went snorkeling. I was terrifed on the boat ride to the snorkeling spot because the travel guide told us about possible shark encounters. I was so scared to get out of the boat. My husband pushed me passed my fear as he often did. When it was time, he pushed me off the boat and I am so glad he did! I saw the most beautiful and vibrant colors of fish I had never seen before. It was awe inspiring. Another day, we climbed to the top of a mountain overlooking the Great Barrier Reef where I am almost positive I felt my daughter calling from heaven. All sweaty, tired and worn out from the hike I was looking at the spectacular view and I had a clairfying and convicting moment. Right then and there on that mountain, I turned to him and said, "It's time!" Shortly after, I got pregnant with my first child. We had been married almost 10 years and only had furry pet children. As the memories of this trip come flooding back, I am reminded of what prompted this trip. We had watched a movie about a woman who let the love of her life pass her by. She had a choice to stay or go. She didn't go. It was one of those movies that leave you devasted at the end. I turned to my husband and said, "we have to go live our life, we can not waste a precious minute. Let's go! It's time!"
On the last day of the trip we went out to the beach. We were sitting there when suddenly there was a sand storm. The wind was fiercely kicking up sand into our eyes and it wasn't exactly pleasant to be on the beach. My husband wanted to go back to our room and I said, "Come on...let's stay, we will never be here again!"
My son will inherit his watch to remember to use the precious gift of time wisely. We also gave him "Hamilton" as his middle name as a reminder of life's incredible adventures that await if you have the courage to do it! My daughter will inherit his camera as reminder to capture all of the miracles there are to see and experiences in this world!
IT IS TIME. My encouragement to you is to go and do it! Do it even if it doesn't work, even if you have to turn around. Go live your life without fear. My husband was MY life coach, often pushing me passed what I thought I couldn't do. Sometimes we need that person in our life to come along side of us to help us achieve our goals and dreams, sometimes giving us a push off the boat!
Do not let your love pass you by..whatever your passion is. Go do it! IT IS TIME.

This has inspired me to do what I feel called to do in the next few months!!!! Thank you❤️